Breathing Re-Education for Children

Teach children to develop a healthy, functional breathing patterns

These sessions are designed to provide both, parents and children, with a better understanding about functional breathing and the positive impact this has on our health. By using different breathing exercises, based on the Buteyko method, you can improve your respiratory functions and help preventing complications of dysfunctional breathing.


Long-term Habits

Learn and use different breathing techniques of breathwork to improve breathing patterns, increase the functioning of your organs, increase your energy, realise stress, and alleviate symptoms related to physical and or mental health.

Improved Posture

Understand the synergies between posture and the breath and how they can affect your breathing. Postural problems, such as collapsing of the chest, can also restrict our breathing, limiting the quantity of air and decreasing mobility.

Better Sleep

Learn how to develop a healthy, functional breathing pattern to improve your sleep. Change your biochemistry and your biomechanics by developing a breathing routine that will keep your airways open and functional to stop snoring and sleep apnea.

What is the Buteyko Method?

The Buteyko Method is a breathing technique designed to improve functional breathing patterns. While breathing is an involuntary activity, it is subject to change by stresses of everyday life, processed foods, excessive sitting and talking, lifestyle choices and environmental factors.

  • Poor breathing is generally upper chest breathing, often through the mouth. The symptoms most commonly reported by people with poor breathing patterns include the inability to take a satisfying breath, disproportionate breathlessness during rest or physical exercise, frequent yawning or sighing, or the feeling of not getting enough air. Irregular breathing is often a feature of poor breathing patterns. Breathing patterns have a profound impact on health. Poor breathing patterns literally cause the airways to narrow, and blood circulation and oxygen delivery to be reduced.

  • Over the past number of years, the Buteyko Method has shown to be efficacious in helping improve a number of breathing related problems including:

    • Respiratory: asthma, rhinitis, hayfever

    • Neurological: Anxiety, stress and panic attacks

    • Childhood development: dental health,craniofacial development and ADHD

    • Sleep disordered breathing: insomnia, snoring, central sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea

Asthma Workshop

This program is specifically designed for children with Asthma. The sessions aim to provide children and also their parents/carers with knowledge of the Buteyko method and exercises that can be used to manage and improve the Asthma symptoms, while learning to control the stress that these can cause.

    • Pack of specific breathing exercises and guidance in practicing the method and establishing a routine to manage and improve the Asthma symptoms.

    • Learn tools to help you control the Asthma symptoms, while you train and balance your system to maximisation of energy levels and increase in sports performance.

  • Complete Family Program Sessions

    5 Sessions x 60 minutes each, usually arranged as 1 session per week (€275 for 5 family sessions)

    Extra Follow-up Sessions

    1 Session x 60 minutes/session after each package of 4 Sessions taken (€45 per family session)

    Compact Program Sessions

    1 sessions x 2 hours (€95 for the 2 hours family session)

    Extra Follow-up Session after Compact Program (€40 for 1h family session)

    All Prices in this programme include VAT

  • This short sessions aims to provide children and also their parents/carers with a basic knowledge of the Buteyko method and exercises to aliviet and control the symptoms of Asthma.

    Price: €95

    The 2 hours Workshop Includes :

    • Pack of specific breathing exercises [Theory & Practice]

    • Guidance in practicing the method and establishing a routine

    • Tools to help you train and balance your nervous system

Support & Advice Workshop

These sessions are designed to provide both parents and children with a better understanding about functional breathing and the positive impact this has on our health and the chance to ask a trained professional.

  • By using different breathing exercises, based on the Buteyko method, you can improve your respiratory functions and help preventing complications of dysfunctional breathing. This program will also to enhance your health and general LifeStyle.

  • Complete Family Program

    5 Sessions x 60 minutes each, usually arranged as 1 session per week (€495 for the 5 family sessions)

    Extra Follow-up Sessions

    1 Session x 60 minutes/session after each package of 4 Sessions taken (€65 per session)

    Compact Program

    1 session x 2 hours (€145 for the 2 hours family session)

    Extra follow-up Sessions after Compact Program (€55 for 1h session)

    All prices in this programme include VAT

  • During this period, you will also have access to external communication with us by email for the duration of the course of if you have have doubts once completed.


Wim Hof Method® Workshops